how to play experience games:
Why do we love to play games? Because they are fun? They are even more fun when you win! But most games, board games, card games, etc are based on luck with only a little bit of skill used as a variable.
We created the Experience Games to reward players for their life experience in various fields. So if you have had more experience than the other players in a certain field you may win the game, but not always.
As you’ll see in the rules you will need to talk about your experience. This is a great way for the other players to get to know more about you.
game rules:
The game works best for three to eight players.
You can choose to have one person read the questions or the book can be passed from one player to another on their right.
Each player will ask the person to their right the next question on the page. That person will answer the question, ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The questions will be on a specific topic in the Experience Games Editions and read: (for example) Have you ever gone up in a hot air balloon?
If the player who is asked the question has not had the specific experience then they answer “No, I have not.” And the play moves onto the next player. No points are given.
If a player answers ‘Yes’ then that player has to tell the others about their specific experience.
At that point the rest of the players have a choice. They can each say that they agree at which point the player is given one point. This has to be unanimous decision for this to happen.
The goal is that the first person to get twenty points is declared the winner.
When you play the game again, you can either start at the page you stopped or start at the beginning of the book.
However, if you embellish your stories to the point of fantasy, then it’s possible that, with the unanimous vote of the other players, you might not be believed and lose your turn.
Have the winner go order their winning t-shirt to tell world about their experiences!